That's an easy one ... let's freeze some for a later day, rainy day, sunny day ... any day really.
Freezing StrawBerries
Ingredients - Fresh StrawBerries
Supplies Needed - Ziploc Freezer Bags
Colander / Strainer
Paper Towels
Start with the freshest berries you can find. We purchase our strawberries directly from a local berry farm.
Cut the leaves (hulls) off the strawberries. Put strawberries in colander - we keep the hull part for our bunnies and the birds. We do not freeze any strawberries that are soft or mushy - we set them aside to enjoy now. Fill the colander with berries, but do not overfill, as you will need to wash all the berries too.
Wash Berries. Set aside, we place our freshly washed berries on a paper towel - it helps to absorb excess moisture. We also take our berries out by the handful and wash - you want to make sure that you remove all little pieces of leaves and stems.
After all berries have been cut and washed, place in freezer bags, removing as much air as possible from each bag. We only put as many berries as we think we'll use in each bag, but it's really an individual choice.
Label each bag with Berry name and date. Now, place bags of berries in the freezer. Done! That was easy enough, wasn't it.
To use after freezing, just place bag in the refrigerator or on a counter top until thawed.
Country FarmHouse Blessings,
~*~ Lori ~*~
♥ Purdy Mama ♥
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